Songwriting makes me feel alive

Indie pop singer/songwriter Kelan, started her songwriting journey in 2014 with an acoustic guitar in her bedroom.

She released her first single ‘Flower’ under “Her’ indie record label in Taiwan in 2016, during the same year, ‘Flower’ was nominated as the top 10 Best Single of Fresh Music Awards in Singapore.

She released her first original full length album“Lovers in Winter” ​in 2018 .

In 2020, as an indie musician, she collaborated with numerous talented musicians in LA, and produced  her EP ' Till the Sun Goes Down' in the U.S in May.

Kelan continued her music career as singer songwriter and now also as an experienced music producer and mixing engineer working under her own music label -  ‘Transparent Elephant Music LLC’. 

She has worked on a number of music projects since 2o19 , namely the music project for online video games ‘Aurora Hearts' , co-producing with upcoming indie artist Jaielle , songwriting projects with  English poet Chris Meredith and so forth.

She wrote and produced music for TV show ‘A Journey For Love’ in 2021, and released her Single ‘ Unknown’ in Nov, 2021.